Well, here's reality! If America remains on the moral track it's on, one day churches in America that believe God's word is inerrant and our final authority for life, faith and the practice thereof — and willing to speak out to that end — may be empty. Here are the facts: 1) Less than 10% of 30 years olds go to church and less than 7% of teens go to church. Put it together — they are the 'now' generation. Couple that with today's evangelicals where less than 33% believe the Bible is God's word and we have a church comprised of people who call right wrong and wrong right. Why is that? Because we have a culture that has been trumped by a world-view where same-sex marriage, abortion, fornication, a socialistic-god and a host of other culturally imploding behaviors is believed acceptable and encouraged (the latter being the greater of the two evils). Sadly, when a culture has reached this place in its history, without a revival, it has perished or become so weak it might as well have perished — it's influence to change the world for righteousness is gone.
With that said, here are my very brief and in-comprehensive thoughts on the U. S. Supreme Courts ruling on Defense of Marriage Act. I need not tell you the comments around this tweet to @andersoncooper, which I posted on Facebook, are quite lively — and worth the read.
This is from my interruption no small intriguing conversation on Facebook:
"My perspective is coming from "God's ruling" on same-sex marriage, not the Courts. What does a court do? Pass judgment. Read Romans 1. Meditate on the last verse of the Chapter. It's not a matter of debate. Sorry! God has spoken clearly on this matter, and He did so at Creation. "In the beginning God created … Man and Woman and THEY became ONE flesh (not Noah and Canaan)."
My second interruption was to my son-in-law, whom I love dearly and think the world of, who defended the Court's ruling for constitutional reasons. This was my response to him:
"Really, Mr S. If what you say is correct then the ruling would have been 9-0 not 5-4 with liberal judges leading the way."
Much more to come ...