Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Tuesday, February 14th, is Valentines Day.  However, it is not always celebrated on February 14th in other parts of the world and cultures.  In the Eastern Orthodox Church, St. Valentine is recognized on July 6.  In addition, the Eastern Orthodox Church observes the feast of Hieromartyr Valentine on July 30 (it has more than one Valentine).  For our purposes today we’ll stay with February 14th.  

Have you ever wondered, or asked yourself, “How did we get this holiday?  What is the history of Valentine’s Day, and why do we celebrate it in America? 

Here is a brief history of Valentines Day and the man Valentine.  Why is Valentines Day expressed in the current celebration of yummy chocolates, lovely cards, and sparkling engagement rings?  What is the real story behind such a highly-retailed celebration?

Some say the day is named after a bishop named Valentine, who was stationed in the Roman Empire when Claudius II was the Emperor.
Claudius thought that unmarried men made better soldiers, so he decided to make it a law that young men could not marry.  Around 270 A.D., Valentine took pity on the ostracized soldiers who were not permitted to marry or see their sweethearts.

He became an advocate of these young lovers and began to perform secret marriages.  He was soon found out and jailed.  Emperor Claudius II attempted to convert Valentine to worship the Roman gods, but Valentine refused.  Instead, he tried to convert Claudius to Christianity. Unsuccessful, Valentine was sentenced to be executed on February 24, 270.

Another version of the history of Valentines Day tells that Valentine fell in love with his jailer’s daughter.  Just before his death, he sent her a note and signed it “from your Valentine.”

An aura of romance surrounded his demise and those who knew about it spread the tale.  Bishop Valentine became Saint Valentine with his fame extending to England and France.

After his death, Valentine became known a “Patron Saint” (special guardian or ‘sponsor’).  Some considered him the spiritual overseer of an annual festival in which young Romans would distribute cards of affection to those they wished to formally see.  This festival was held each February 14.  There are Valentine cards in museums worldwide that date back to 1415.

February has been the month to celebrate love ever since the Middle Ages.

Friday, February 3, 2017


Whoever dreamed God would use Donald J. Trump to reveal the hearts of men. Truly "God's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts—they are far above ours." Isaiah 55:8

The hatred is indescribable. What the media wants us to believe it is that the majority of America is protesting, revolting, and disagreeing with his executive orders.  This is not true!  In actuality it is less than a third of America who disagrees. All legitimate polls show that 66 percent, or more, agree with the President's executive orders (all within 10 days of being elected). 

Here's my take: I think it's because the media, newspapers, much of Hollywood, Democrats, and whoever else opposes President Trump cannot believe they lost.  It is so hypocritical!  The so-called 'tolerant' have revealed themselves as intolerant. Those who tell us we're to 'love' have revealed themselves as the haters. Those who call "the right" bigots have revealed themselves as 'bigots'.  The reason why it is just now being revealed is because they have gotten their way for decades, now they are not.  In my opinion and that of 90% of American's polled, they have revealed themselves as spoiled elitists who didn't get their way and now they are throwing a temper tantrum.

I heard a “democrat strategist” on NPR the other day say it will take "the left" 15 years to recuperate; the American people now believe that the Democratic party is the party of the elite and not that of the "common working man." 
Recall what God told Israel when they went into captivity: "Seek the peace and prosperity of this city ... for if it prospers, you too will prosper." Jeremiah 29:7  

By the way, I did not vote for Donald Trump nor did I cast my ballot for Hillary Clinton.  However, God establishes kings, thrones and kingdoms (Daniel 2:21 & 4:17).  Seriously, whoever dreamed Donald Trump would be God's choice? Pretty amazing isn't it?  Now, let's pray that God uses the next four years, or more, to put the God of the Bible and Christianity where it belongs in our culture.  

Pray for our President, his cabinet and our leaders—national, state and local, that they would govern in righteousness and walk in the fear of the LORD, and we would be ONE NATION UNDER GOD.