Wednesday, May 15, 2013


As you enter the church from the east side of the building there is a Giant Sequoia tree, which is not yet a giant.  LOL!  Last summer it flourished, but this year it is fighting for its life.  So, please don’t hesitate to say a prayer for GCCC’s Giant Sequoia.  Now, before you chuckle at that request, let me give you the history. 

When we built the church the Township had a height restriction of 65 feet, therefore we were unable to put a steeple on the top of the sanctuary.  With that in mind, approximately 11 years ago I purchased a Giant Sequoia tree; 7 years ago we moved it from our home in Pitman to the church.  Since we were unable to have a steeple I thought a 200 foot tree would be a nice substitute.  Imagine for a moment a tree whose top towers 75 to 100 feet above the church.  Put a light (or two) on the tree and you would be able to spot GCCC from miles away – a true lighthouse for every passer by. 

So, there you have it, the story behind GCCC Giant Sequoia tree.

*Photo is taken as you exit the East Entrance looking past the area where the motorcycles park, and north east of the prayer garden.

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