Today I met with the attorney who drafted the by-laws for/of Prayer Ministries, Inc./Gloucester County Community Church (1982). We met for the purpose of putting into our by-laws GCCC’s position on “life in the womb” and “marriage” as defined by God’s word, our final authority for life, faith and the practice thereof.
With the real possibility of the US Supreme court ruling in favor of “same-sex” marriage, the Church needs to brace itself for the consequences of standing up for God’s definition of “life in the womb,” and “marriage.” Clearly, God defines life as that which takes place at conception (Psalm 139:13-14), and marriage as that solely between a man and a woman (Mark 10:6).
As I have mentioned in the past, I close my day, everyday, reading On This Day by Robert J. Morgan. This devotional captures a day in history, which impacted Christian living as we have come to experience it today – right or wrong. For instance: The wife of a priest was executed because she refused to accept the doctrine of “transubstantiation” (the communion bread and wine becoming the literal body of Christ). She was booted out of her home and then put to death upon this belief: “I have read where God created man, but I have never read where man created God. Put that piece of bread in a box and let it sit for 3 months, you will find it moldy.” She would not recant; it cost her her life. Right or wrong (I happen to believe she was right), she was willing to die for what she believed.
I believe strongly that the day is coming when we Americans will pay a price, as do so many Christians in foreign countries today, for not compromising what we believe is truth.
As men and women have fought against the wrong of slavery, for the rights of the orphaned, the poor … all close to God’s heart, so we must to fight for the freedom of the ‘unborn’ and ‘marriage between a man and a woman’. Anything other than that allows Satan to reign in the life of the Church, for which God purchased with the blood of His Son, Jesus.
In Jesus,
The best of all is God is with us. Psalm 46:7/JBS
*Painting: The Creation of Adam & Eve by William Blake
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