Friday, January 11, 2019


Depression is REAL! And, yes, some people have a proclivity to get depressed and constantly fight depression more than others. Science and the medical field tell us this is in the DNA, which could very well be true. With that said, having prayed for and counseled scores of people who battle depression regularly, here is my observation. 
Depression is almost, if not always, triggered by what we can and cannot control. (I could write pages of examples from children, to parents, to bills, to job circumstances, to romance and the list goes on.) In essence, what this means is that we haven’t haven't truly or fully given the situation/circumstance to God. It means we really do not trust Him (to do it our way). It also means we're not rejoicing in the Lord always and giving thanks in and for all things. (Moses and Elijah both wanted to die because they could not control what was happening around them. So, if you’ve ever been there, you’re in good company.) It means we’re living in disobedience. Ouch! Because…be patient with me…if we lived in obedience by “rejoicing in the LORD at all times” and “giving thanks in and for all things,” depression must flee. Depression can’t exist in a state of thanks and rejoicing. 
When (I know these are strong words) we tell the LORD we want out of here and we have nothing to live for, are we not indirectly slapping Him in the face? When we tell Him those words are we not in reality telling Him He is not worth living for? Should we not enter every day living for Him? Is He not worth EVERYTHING? 
Are we not commanded to “rejoice in the LORD always” and “give thanks in and for all things?” Why? Because God is worthy of our praise, worthy of our service—wherever and whatever that may look like. Can He not be trusted in ALL things? Will He not “work all things out for the good of those who love Him?” So, here’s my gentle counsel: Let go of what you can’t control—it will only get you down; give it to God and rejoice in this truth—He’s not only got it, He’s working miracles in YOUR behalf. Trust! In the end you’ll be glad you did.  #depression #suicide #cutting #addiction

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