Here is my testimony (I'll try to keep as short as possible):
(PART 1) This past year (Feb 2012) I bought a 2007 HD v-Rod. My father (which I don't have a good relationship with, left when I was 2, an every other weekend Dad), stopped talking to me for 2 months when I told him I bought a motorcycle. After 33 years of keeping in my feelings I found the courage to tell him how I felt, which didn't go well – I’ll leave it at that.
Shortly thereafter, I watched a movie called “Courageous” and cried my eyes out wishing that my dad would "get it." That night after the movie, sobbing and purging 33 years of hurt, I felt God touch my shoulder and say "I'm your Father now." That night is when I felt the LORD embrace me after years of hurt, sin and pain. He turned all of that mess into joy; I felt a peace come over me like no other experience I had ever had! I have been new from that day since.
Immediately after that encounter I promised God I'd read the Bible, go to church, and change my sinful ways. So, after reading the Bible and the Ten Commandments, which told me to “honor my father & mother,” I had no choice but to be obedient and forgive my dad, and talk to him (even though in my mind he had cut me off for something so ridiculous as buying a motorcycle!).
In my reading I came across Malachi 3, which addressed giving the “tithe.” The next day I heard a minister on TV speaking from the same Chapter. The same Voice that had forgiven me said, “Donate the bike to the church – it’s your tithe.” You can imagine the emotions involved. I emailed Pastor Bruce at 3:05 am (I work a midnight shift). He emailed me back (not at 3:05am) saying he’d like to discuss this matter further. Not knowing my whole story, I know he thought I was one of those ‘weird’ Christians who are always hearing from God, and questioned the veracity of our conversation. We talked. He said, “Since God spoke to you in more than one way, I have to believe you’ve heard from God.”
It wasn’t that simple because I owed a balance on the bike. But I knew I had heard the LORD. To condense a rather complex situation, the Credit Union, with which I financed my motorcycle, took the truck loan from the bank, combined the two, the result of which was a $400 a month savings, with an interest rate of 4%. The LORD is so good. Wow! I’m so grateful. Not only did He let me pay my tithes for the 2012 year, He has saved me $400 a month in 2013. However, the picture is far bigger …
I understand now the whole purpose in purchasing the bike was to reveal my pent up emotions and hurt towards my dad, and for God to bring me back to him (which I desperately needed more than ever). It all makes sense now: Be obedient and respectful to my dad (whether I feel he deserves it or not). The picture was far bigger than the motorcycle or even the tithe. It was about my salvation, my obedience, and God longing to be my Father. With Him have come blessings I could not have dreamed of.
J. D.
(PART 2)
Saturday, March 2, 2013, after the Saturday evening service, J. D. handed me the title to her V-Rod – free and clear. (If you’d like to see the bike, it’s in the Lobby at the ROTL table this weekend, March 9-10, 2013.) Truly, when we obey the Voice of the LORD and walk in obedience the blessing that God has in store for us is beyond what we could ever imagine. (Eph 3:20)
Pastor Bruce