Tuesday, October 26, 2021






Fellow Americans, it’s not that far away! Indeed, it’s closer than we think. Destroy the economy of the USA; shut it down, and the Government has you exactly where it wants you—back on the Plantation. 

It provides all the biggies, and in return, gives us rubles that are worth nothing. Two million illegal immigrants will have come into the country through our Southern border this year. Most are unvetted and not vaccinated. Others have a criminal record. Many in the Whitehouse want to give them voting rights, medical and financial assistance, and the list goes on. Don't be deceived; this is not about benevolence. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. It's 2 million votes. 

The government and big media have had intercourse, and the child is horrifying. It ciphers and cancels free speech and does the same to advertising. It's the commencement of Communism. They control the media, our lives, our schools, where we can and cannot go, and soon, what we can and cannot teach. 

Fellow Americans, pray as you've never prayed before. Speak up, speak out, and fight until your last breath. America's future, our future, is counting on you. 




Monday, May 17, 2021


Last year at this time, I wrote, “We are living in unprecedented and tenuous times.” Here we are 12 months later, and times have not changed a whole lot. Granted, we see the country open up after being “locked down,” and for that, we are thankful. However, what troubles me is that in a world that touts “science is the answer,” science is ignored. Defenseless babies continue to be slaughtered in the womb; God’s definition of marriage is ignored and rewritten. Our borders are open to all types of lawlessness, and wars are raging on foreign soil. 

Yes, it’s not new! As Solomon said, “What’s been done will be done again.” God destroyed the earth because “men’s thoughts were evil continuously.” Yet, God has always had a remnant; and cultures have seen revival come in the darkest of times. But there will be a day when God will say, “It’s enough!” and the end will come. Until then, as believers, we must be ready, working diligently to win souls, bring home the backslidden, heal the sick, put together the broken, and strengthen the week (Ezel34). 

With that said, let's end on a positive note. The other day our grandchildren were leaving the house. As they were, the Holy Spirit put a word in my spirit for them. In a sense, it was a blessing: LIVE FOR JESUS AND YOU'LL HAVE A GOOD DAY EVEN IF IT'S A BAD DAY. 


J. Bruce Sofia

Psalm 18:30