Thursday, July 10, 2014


This was Sheryl and my morning conversation, today.  (My wife is so wise.  I am truly married to a godly woman.)

How can you tell if a story told to you is of Satan or God?  Whether it’s true or not (the truth can easily be told as a lie), how can you tell if what is being told to you is of God or Satan?  

Here’s the barometer:
1) If what is being told to you is accusatory it’s not of God; Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12:10).
2) If what is being told to you is defending a brother/sister, than it’s of God because God is the believer’s Defense Attorney (Roman 8:1)

It is one thing to go to your brother/sister if you believe he/she is caught-up in a sin (Gal 6:1), but to talk about them to someone else is clearly of the Devil.

Do you recall the words the Holy Spirit said about Joseph when he found out Mary was pregnant and knew it was not his.  God identifies the righteous man, and in so doing, also identifies the person used of Satan.  He says this: Because Joseph her husband was a righteous manand did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly” (Matthew 1:19).

Note the behavior of the righteous compared with the unrighteous.  One accuses the other defends.  If someone comes to you with a story and it’s accusatory, most likely it is a gossiper’s tongue inspired by none other than Satan himself. 

PRAYER THAT IS FOREVER ACTIVE: In this week’s sermon (July 12-13, 2014) we develop the unfathomable truth regarding the eternal effectiveness of prayer – prayer that finds the heart of God has NO TIME RESTRAINTS and is FOREVER ACTIVE.  This encouraging truth leads us into our Time of Healing.  

If you know of someone in need of a healing touch, whether it be financial, emotional, physical, relational, family, job, spiritual … whatever, bring them to Church with you this weekend.  We are going to touch heaven and Heaven will touch them/you.

If you’d like a copy of this week’s sermon, “The Prayers of the Saints, Pt2”, simply reply “yes.”

In Jesus,
Loyalty is a

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This morning as I was reading today’s Word for You Today, I was moved by the story of the Pastor who shared Christ to a successful business storeowner.  The owner said he had spoken to hundreds of ministers over the years and not one of them ever talked to him about his soul.  

I was reminded of my own life and the times, although not many, when the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me about speaking to a person in my life who did not know Christ.  To be honest, when you know a person for a number of years, do business with that person, share Christ in a round-about way and there seems to be no 'bite', it is difficult to say, "Mr A, I don't mean to be offensive, but the LORD won't let me go; I am compelled to speak to you about your soul."  Most say, 'thank you' when I'm done, but not all.  What they now do with the GOSPEL (God Offers Sinful People Eternal Life) is between them and God, not me/you and God.

Immediately, I thought, “What would happen if the energy and time spent gossiping was spent sharing Christ?  Would believers not turn the world around?  So, my tweet (@brucesofia) for the day was:
 Have you ever wondered how the world would change if the time & energy people spent gossiping was spent sharing Christ?

Many responded.  Joshua replied: I have seen gossip literally tear down a church.  A church that was family for over 14 years is now gone, all because of gossip.  If more Christians spent time focusing on the word and sharing Christ, the possibilities are endless.”  

Another said, “I don’t have an answer for that, but … “  The Bible is clear why and who gossips, Proverbs 17:4 says, "A wicked person listens to deceitful lips/gossip; a liar pays attention to a destructive tongue/gossip.”  May we all build the Kingdom by Sharing Christ, Connecting people and Serving others, and let “gossip” be far from our lips and circumcised from our hearts.

In Jesus,

Loyalty is a man's best friend.  Joshua 1:5

PS - One person commented about the picture being "women."  Men gossip too.  I selected this photo because it was captivating.