This conversation comes out of a dialogue between three friends of mine discussing
ObamaCare and the redistribution of wealth.
One of the parties was arguing that no one has the right to take
another’s money and give it to someone else without permission; the other
argued that it was our duty to give to those who do not have.
All of that sparked me to write asking “Where is giving to God in this
picture?” Other than what is personal
and confidential (specifics) regarding Sheryl and my giving, this is pretty
much the entire conversation. Enjoy!
The place to start with our money is to give God
the tithe/10% (Malachi 3:10; Matthew
23:23). Then give alms — that’s when our left hand knows not what the
right hand does (Matthew 6:3).
After we’ve done that, we should strive to live a reverse tithe: we live
on 10% and God get’s 90%. How cool would that be? Now, God
doesn’t ask for a reverse tithe, ONLY the tithe (10%) and Offerings — gifts
above the tithe.
Here’s the truth of the matter, most people who
are rich, sadly, are not generous in giving to the church or charitable
institutions. They want to come off as being generous, they give a
million dollars — BIG DEAL! — they have given out of their abundance.
Remember the widow? She gave all
she had and it was two small copper coins.
Sheryl and I aren’t at 90% and may never get
there (unless one of my books makes it REALLY big), but we are working towards
it. Since our marriage in 1975, it has
always been our goal to give to what counts for eternity — where no moth or
rust can destroy.
As one wise man said, “If you want to see where a
person’s priorities are, look at his/her check book registry.” Profound!
This I have found to be true: No
one can OUT GIVE God (Luke 6:38).